Wednesday, 30 December 2015

A woodland walk -

Hi all! 

These photos were taken in April 2015 at Sadlers wood, North Norfolk. I just haven't had the time to upload them

They are too beautiful to just keep in a folder on my computer. These are just from me playing about with my camera :)

Hope you've enjoyed! 

Emma x

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Hello all!

I was just going through all of my photos. New year, spring clean on my phone!

I came across these photos of some make up I did in October on my sister in law Hannah. I was so proud of this make up and she loved it, so I wanted to share it with you all!

Hannah came to me with this image of a lady with leopard make up so I tried my very best to replicate it. 

The best thing about this make up for me was using my RCMA VK11 palette, (You can get that here!)


It made her skin so flawless and the cream contour worked like a dream :)

I was also using the Glamor Classic Elite light kit from Flirties (You can get that here!
It had gorgeous HD daylight lighting, which made doing the make up so much easier and it wasn't a hot environment either, which was great as it took a while!

Here is the make up i worked from, I just grabbed this image from pinterest.

And here is the make up I did on Hannah. Enjoy!

Please check out my Facebook page for more up to date photos of my work :)

(Click me!> > Emma-Louise Beauty)

