Hello all!
I was just going through all of my photos. New year, spring clean on my phone!
I came across these photos of some make up I did in October on my sister in law Hannah. I was so proud of this make up and she loved it, so I wanted to share it with you all!
Hannah came to me with this image of a lady with leopard make up so I tried my very best to replicate it.
It made her skin so flawless and the cream contour worked like a dream :)
It had gorgeous HD daylight lighting, which made doing the make up so much easier and it wasn't a hot environment either, which was great as it took a while!
Here is the make up i worked from, I just grabbed this image from pinterest.
And here is the make up I did on Hannah. Enjoy!
Please check out my Facebook page for more up to date photos of my work :)